Sunday, March 1, 2009

Dating a married woman.

She: Russian, no picture, in the right age range, with 2 kids.

We met at Cheese Cake Factory. She was a blond-hair, 48 year- old woman who looked nice.

We sat at one of the tables and she asked me why I had divorced my ex wife. (Ouch she was not too polite) … I told her that through the years we had changed, developed different interest and grown apart… I also told her we were not longer happy together. and we both thought it was the time for change.
She reacted to my explanation as if were from another planet.

Then, the following dialog was exchanged:

She: I’m separated because my husband found a younger woman.

I: Yes this is a valid reason for you to want to separate.

She: I did trusted my husband so when he told me he was going out with some friends I believed him.

I: sure.

She: But he was lying. I asked his parents for help. But they didn’t help me. They said that was all my fault because I have realized the infidelity issue too late.

I: mmm..

She: And she is a non Jewish 29-year old woman.

I: mmm

She: How he could choose a non Jewish woman.

I: I don’t know.

She: I have two sons; a 22 years old and the other 8 years old. I don’t allow them to visit his father. I wouldn't like him to introduce her into the family.

The waitress finally came over and we ordered lunch (I ordered the same salad she ordered).

I: (Thinking this break was great).

She: But he gets this non Jewish girl.

I: (…Thinking: Something is going wrong with this date…) Please tell me how long have you been separated?

She: 2 months.. I warned him: If you leave the house I will find someone else.

I: (… thinking: then I’m that " someone else"…). Why did you come to the States?

She: For better opportunities, but now my husband is gone.

I: I’m sorry about that. (Then I noticed she is wearing her wedding ring..). Why are you still wearing your wedding ring?

She: Because I’m married, If he would ask me again I would accept him back home now.

We finished our lunch.

I: (… then I’m that someone else …only a temporary replacement, for the time being ). I’m very sorry but I wouldn’t feel comfortable dating a woman who would still accept her ex- husband coming back to her.

She: I will get a new lover before 8 months.

I: (… she is pretty… but I can’t …) Why do you take your time? Who is rushing you ? It’s very easy to make the wrong choice when the situation isn’t clear.

She: How will I tell my 22 year old son old to find a Jewish girlfriend, if his own father did such a crazy thing?

I: (thinking: How would her children react if they got a father replacement so quickly?) Sometimes children learn to do the right thing once they realize the mistakes made by their parents. Then they say: “I will never proceed like my father” (just wishful thinking: because most of the times they will end up doing exactly what their fathers did).

She: Thanks for the date.

We said good bye and the date was over. Unfortunately, I don’t have Ulysses ropes to tie myself to the boat’s mast and don’t want to throw myself and along with her to a sure disaster. Therefore a few days later, when she wanted to start a chat with me again , I told her that she was pretty but I simply could not date a married woman.

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